Spice up your life! - how to increase nutrient density of every meal with herbs and spices

Tuesday, Jun 2, 2020

Nutrient density refers to the concentration of micronutrients - otherwise known as vitamins and minerals as well as phytochemicals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids - per calorie of food. The typical Western diet is generally high in energy but nutrient poor.

In my search for a definition of nutrient density I found a great resource created by Mat Lelonde, which he presented at the Ancestral Health Symposium.

At the symposium, Dr Lalonde has rated the following foods groups in their order of nutrient density:

  1. Organ Meats
  2. Herbs & Spices
  3. Nuts & Seeds
  4. Cacao
  5. Fish & Seafood
  6. Pork
  7. Beef
  8. Eggs & Dairy

When we look at this list it gives us some great ideas on how we can increase the nutrient density of our meals. Having said that, the key take home for me is that herbs and spices really are dense in nutrients and are one of the easiest - and most enjoyable - things we can add to our food to increase the nutrient horsepower of our meals.

So next time you fire up the barbie or start creating a casserole think about what herbs and spices you want to add to improve the flavour - and your health will thank you for it.

I could tell you about all the polyphenols, vitamin and mineral content of each herb or spice but I think the important message is that herbs and spices are great nutrient powerhouses that can really add flavour and health-giving properties to every meal - so enjoy the flavours and experiment.

And remember different colours tend to indicate a different nutrient profile, so if you look to add different coloured foods - including the herbs and spices you add - you’ll likely get a variety of different nutrients in your meal and enjoy your meal more too.


Ballantyne, S. PhD, (2017). Paleo Principles. Las Vegas, NV: Victoria Belt Publishing, Inc.

Dr Mat Lalonde, PhD presenting at the Ancestral Health Symposium 2012 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwbY12qZcF4

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