Happy and healthy with whole foods

Hi, I’m Diane!

I started Happy Green Sprout to help educate and coach people to feel happier and healthier using nutrition and dietary change, as well as all other lifestyle factors.

My philosophy is to help you make small incremental changes, creating healthy habits you can sustain for a lifetime.

I specialise in perimenopause and hormonal balance, as I recognise that so many women are not getting the information they need to improve their symptoms.

Nutrition Advice and Coaching

Are you struggling with your health? Are you ready to make the changes so you can feel better every day?

As a functional nutritionist, my focus is on partnering with individuals to make positive changes in their health and overall wellbeing through personalised lifestyle adjustments and nutritional guidance. In particular, I have a specialisation in addressing perimenopause, menopause, and hormone health concerns.

Nutritional Therapy can assist with alleviating a variety of symptoms and chronic illnesses and can help you optimise your health, get back to feeling good and:

  • Sleep better
  • Have more energy
  • Improve overall health, well being and mindset.

I work with people one-on-one to look at what elements of their life they can change to help them improve their health and feel good. Because I believe if we can change small things in our lives and focus on the right things, we can live more and fully enjoy our life.

Want to know more? Contact me to organise a free 20 minute discussion.


Advice for Employers - Employee Wellness programs

Do you want to help your employees live well and feel better everyday?

Each employee is different with a unique set of needs - work with me to help employees feel better and well nourished.

Consider programs to:

  • Provide expert advice on fostering a supportive work environment that caters to women throughout various life stages, including pregnancy, perimenopause, and beyond
  • Promote nutrient dense, healthy and tasty food options in the office
  • Promote a variety of practices to improve mental health and well being.

My simple tips to make your post Christmas reset much easier!

We all like to have a bit of Christmas cheer and we don’t want to be a party pooper on the day. Life is for living after all! But there are a few easy things that we can do that can help us feel better and minimise the impact of our indulgences during the holidays, so we don’t get to January and wonder what went horribly wrong.

Launching my new business - Happy Green Sprout

I’m excited to announce the launch of my new nutrition business Happy Green Sprout. I’m passionate about helping people to understand the way that food and lifestyle can change how they feel, so they can live a better life. You don’t have to change everything in your life to feel better, small incremental changes can make a big difference to your health.

Spice up your life! - how to increase nutrient density of every meal with herbs and spices

Nutrient density refers to the concentration of micronutrients - otherwise known as vitamins and minerals as well as phytochemicals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids - per calorie of food. The typical Western diet is generally high in energy but nutrient poor.

A quick and easy hack to boost the nutrient firepower of garlic

Wondering how to improve the nutritional value of food without any extra effort? All this hack takes is 10 minutes forethought. TLDR: The short answer is that you should always chop your garlic 10 minutes before you are going to fry/bake or sauté your garlic.

Why a low-fat or poor fat diet can be dentrimental to our health

The majority of people today eat a diet low in fat or high in rancid or hydrogenated fats. On a cellular level, why is a low-fat or “poor fat” diet detrimental to health? At a cellular level, lipids are the building blocks for both cellular membranes and hormones.

How stress and chronically elevated cortisol disrupts the balance of hormones in your body

So to start with, what is cortisol? Cortisol is known as the fight or flight hormone, and is released by the adrenal glands in times of high stress and/or emergency. In Hunter-Gatherer times, the ‘fight or flight’ response was activated when fleeing from a dangerous situation, such as being chased by a wild animal.

Drinking pure, distilled water - It has to be good for us, right?

Whilst the human body is very resilient, optimal hydration can make a real and significant difference to the body and its ability to perform. Not only does hydration have a significant impact on our ability to rid the body of toxins and excess salt, it can also affect our cognitive abilities and also our mood.

My story

Hi, I’m Diane Cotterill and I live in Sydney on the Northern Beaches with my husband and two kids. I’m passionate about improving health through nutrition, eating whole foods and a variety of herbs and spices to maximize health and longevity, whilst having fun and enjoying life along the way.