Drinking pure, distilled water - It has to be good for us, right?

Thursday, Sep 5, 2019

Whilst the human body is very resilient, optimal hydration can make a real and significant difference to the body and its ability to perform. Not only does hydration have a significant impact on our ability to rid the body of toxins and excess salt, it can also affect our cognitive abilities and also our mood. So whether we are looking to improve our fitness, mood or generally improve our wellness the amount of water we drink and how hydrated we are can have a significant effect.

So, when you’re looking to hydrate, would distilled water be a good choice? The distillation process involves vaporising water and condensing it in another chamber. This process removes most minerals, organisms, and most chemicals. If the chemical has a higher boiling point than water however, it won’t be removed as a part of this process. There are also some concerns that volatile organic chemicals can vaporise and recondense into the second chamber of water. For this reason, if you do decide to drink distilled water it would still be recommended to filter the water as well.

As you have removed the minerals through the distillation process, when consumed distilled water will attract the minerals to balance the osmolality with the other bodily fluids it comes in contact with. Regular consumption of distilled water by someone who is already deficient in minerals will potentially exacerbate the situation, and could cause more extreme mineral depletion within the body.

This mineral depletion can lead to a plethora of problems including osteoporosis, PMS, hypothyroidism, hypertension, arrhythmias, palpitations and coronary heart disease. Consuming distilled water can also cause an electrolyte imbalance by stripping the body of minerals such as sodium, calcium, and potassium.

If you are already displaying some of the above symptoms or have one of the above chronic diseases it will be important not to exacerbate the situation further by further depleting minerals through the consumption of distilled water.

Alhough it can be expensive, the best option for drinking water is a reverse osmosis water filtering system. This system will ensure your water is free from parasites and fluoride but doesn’t remove the minerals.

Early signs of dehydration include depression, anxiety, irritability, cravings, cramps and headaches, so it’s important to hydrate, especially if you regularly experience these symptoms. Having said that, you might want to consider the source, content and purity of your water next time you reach for your glass.

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay


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