Launching my new business - Happy Green Sprout

Tuesday, Jul 14, 2020

I’m excited to announce the launch of my new nutrition business Happy Green Sprout. I’m passionate about helping people to understand the way that food and lifestyle can change how they feel, so they can live a better life. You don’t have to change everything in your life to feel better, small incremental changes can make a big difference to your health.

Frustrated by the lack of clear guidance on what constitutes healthy food and the mixed messages from government, media, the food industry and the medical profession, I was keen to understand the latest science and assist people to implement small, simple changes that can impact their wellbeing.

In order to further develop my knowledge of the latest nutrition science, I decided to study and become qualified as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner with the NTA.

There are two sides to my new business as I am looking to help both individuals and companies. For companies I’ll be offering services that will support their employees. I’ll be running health and wellness programs tailored to each company, based on their own goals. For example, I can present to employees about the latest research in nutrition and provide ideas, recommendations and life hacks around food and lifestyle choices to support employees. Or I might look at how to best stock the office kitchen. I can additionally support employees one-on-one to come up with a tailored plan to help relieve their symptoms for chronic and ongoing health concerns such as Arthritis, IBS, anxiety and depression.

I am also focusing on individual consultations and packages. If ongoing symptoms are stopping you from living your life to the full, or you just want to feel like yourself again, then we should talk. I’ll work with you to understand your current drivers and motivations, discuss any ongoing health issues that you might be experiencing and we’ll make a plan together to help you to feel better everyday.

I’ve always enjoyed helping people and I’m excited to see the results of the changes we can make together and how it can improve the way you feel.

Are you interested in working with me?

You can find out more about my corporate or individual packages here, or feel free to email me at give me a call on 0415 524401, if you have any other questions.

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